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Divine Intervention: The Trojan War from Olympus

Topic Synopsis

The year is 1200 BCE. The gods have grown bored in Olympus and are meddling in the lives of mortals once again. Under the influence of Aphrodite (after an incident with an apple), Helen (wife of Menelaus of Sparta) has fallen in love with the Trojan Prince Paris and eloped with him. In his anger, Menelaus called all the Achean forces to war against Troy. The Great Trojan War has now begun. The siege of Troy has led to a split among the gods whose loyalties lie on both sides of the conflict. 


As a Greek god, you have a stake in this war. Whether it be your favorite child, follower, or hero, you want one side to triumph. Or, maybe you want something completely different. Do your best to take advantage of the situation and fulfill your purposes… whatever they may be. But take care—you do not want to draw Zeus’ ire, who is growing impatient with your insolence. Will this be the end of Troy, as the prophecy foretells, or will divine intervention change Fate?

Background Guide Coming Soon!

Meet the Dias!


Stuart Turnour


Henry Otey

Soriya Chheang

Elan Martinez 

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