Pitchfork Politics: Gilded Age Farmers
Topic Synopsis
Farmers have always been the backbone of American society, it’s “most valuable citizens,” according to Jefferson. But now, you’re under attack. Mass industrialization, spearheaded by greedy robber barons like Carnegie and Rockefeller, spells the end of your way of life. At this rate, massive industrial monopolies will supplant farmers altogether, forcing you off the land your families have worked for generations and into the factory. In the cities, many of your fellow workingmen have already been subjected to industrialist tyranny. Those corporate villains, those mercenary predators won’t stop at undercutting crop prices through overproduction. They seek to subvert democracy itself, sending their “lobbyists” to bribe the opportunistic men of Washington. Thus, pleading to the government always falls on deaf ears. Politicians follow their pocketbooks, not the public good. But today, there is revolution in the air. Farmers and working men from all corners of America have gathered together to plan and strategize—to break the chains of the despotic industrialists.
Because this is one half of a Joint Crisis Committee, you’ll be positioned against the “Captains Of Industry” (or Robber Barons) room. Those Machiavellian profiteers will be doing all they can to crush you under the boot while lining their pockets with the fruits of your labor. You must collaborate with other farmers, other working men to ensure that doesn’t happen and protect your way of life—the American way of life. Watch your backs. Those corporate bloodsuckers never fail to play dirty, and there may be class traitors within your midst…
Meet the Dias!

Jackson Trunnelle

Elijah Wong

Brynn Jolly