California Community College Board of Governors
Topic Synopsis
2.1 million students are enrolled in the largest higher education system in the nation: the California Community College (CCC) System.
Thus, it is essential these schools are run effectively and prepare these students to enter further education or the workforce. Many students hail from economically underprivileged backgrounds, are part of minority groups, are English Language Learners (ELLs) or have previously struggled in educational spaces, so it is essential that we provide robust support networks to ensure that all have the opportunity to succeed. However, the educational budget is always notoriously tight. So, as a member of the California Community College Board of Governors, it will be your job to work to improve the educational outcomes, reputation and financial solvency of both individual colleges and the system as a whole.
California makes robust promises in regards to community college accessibility for state citizens, and policies such as the California Promise waive many fees a student would otherwise be forced to pay. Debates over budgeting for extracurricular activities, such as sports teams— both varsity and intramural—other activities such as choirs, debate clubs, and Model United Nations, and academic and cultural resource centers are often contentious, and you must make the decisions on where the money goes.
Sourcing funding for these institutions remains vital, especially considering the constant threat of state grants being discontinued. Also, you must address changing student needs and technological advancement. What role does AI play in higher education? Should we continue offering high-school level math courses or reduce math requirements and throw everyone else into calculus? What majors should be added, and which should be cut? How will you change community college campuses, and how will you ensure a better future for all students?
Meet the Dias!

Soli Nickerson